Free Trade Agreement with China

Bega Cheese welcomes signing of Free Trade Agreement with China

It has been an important 3 days for Australian agriculture.

There has been the outcome over the weekend of the G20 Summit setting goals for global
economic growth, the recognition of the importance of environmental sustainability for Australian
agriculture and that global economic growth and the consequent demand for sustainably
produced, reliable, high quality food will see the importance of Australian agricultural and food
production continue to rise.

Government initiatives supporting agriculture and higher value manufacturing will continue to be
significant as Australia positions itself to take advantage of future opportunities in food and

One of the most important initiatives of the last decade is today’s signing of Australia’s Free Trade
Agreement with China. The Federal Minister for Trade and Investment Andrew Robb deserves
congratulations and acknowledgment for the work he has done on the Free Trade Agreement.
This is particularly so for the excellent outcome achieved for the Australian dairy industry.

Executive Chairman of Bega Cheese Barry Irvin commented, “Minister Robb has achieved a Trade
Agreement that I am sure will be looked upon in the future as a key moment in the development
and success of the Australian dairy industry. Minister Robb’s dedication to achieving this result
and the fact that he consulted widely with the industry is very much admired by everyone at Bega
Cheese. It is also appropriate to recognise the significant contribution, research and effort that
Senior Advisor to the Minister Lyall Howard put in to ensuring the success of the negotiation”.

Today’s execution of the China Free Trade Agreement is the culmination of a great deal of effort
by many in the dairy industry. Barry Irvin congratulated the many representative bodies,
individuals and businesses that worked together to help ensure a great outcome for dairy,
particularly Dairy Australia, Australian Dairy Industry Council and Australian Dairy Farmers.

November 17, 2014
For further information please contact:
Barry Irvin Executive Chairman Bega Cheese
02 6491 7720

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