
Bega Cheese Limited Corporate Responsibility

Bega is a major business and employer in the Bega Valley of NSW, regional Victoria, Melbourne, Sydney and Queensland and sees its corporate responsibility extend to being a supporter and partner of the community.

This encompasses sponsorships and donations to community organisations, on a selective basis, that are judged to fall inside a general selection and approval criteria that the company has set.

The general guidelines for our sponsorships are as follows:

  • It is our preference to support organisations with as wide community benefit as possible and in projects that have a lasting benefit.
    (e.g. purchase of, or in support of, hard assets).
  • Bega recognises the importance of corporate support in our communities and the difference it can make to not-for-profit organisations and charities.  In an endeavour to support a broad range of groups within the local area’s that Bega operates in we are committed to organisations and activities that assist in areas such as education, sport, community service, the arts and health.
  • Bega prefers to treat all sporting clubs and participants equally rather than select clubs or persons for individual sponsorship.  That is to say we would rarely support an individual sportsperson or similar application.
  • Where applicable, Bega would expect that correct and appropriate signage be used to advertise the company when recipients hold major functions and events.  Use of the Bega logo and references to the company must be approved by the company prior to commencement or publishing.
  • For the preparation of donated products including hampers please allow ample time for consideration of your request (6-8 weeks) and preparation of the goods or donation.

All sponsorship requests should be submitted in writing and addressed to Public Relations Officer, Bega, PO Box 123, Bega NSW 2550 or emailed to .

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