Dairy Farmers Classic

Part of the Bega Group, Dairy Farmers Classic Flavoured Milk is on a journey towards a Better Future for us all.

A journey of ensuring we reduce our our water usage, waste to landfill, and improve the recyclability of our packaging to help protect our natural environment.

As part of this journey, all our Dairy Farmers flavoured milk bottles (under 1L), will be made from 100% recycled plastic. From March 2023, you will start to see our bottles change as we make that transition. We expect the change to be completed in 2025.

By the end of 2025 our commitment is to maximise the recycled content included in our packaging.

This initiative will take us one step closer.

Our new bottles

are made from

100% recycled







HDPE is the most commonly used material in the industry across food and non-food categories. The high opacity of the material has driven the need for improvements in transparency, allowing consumers to see the product clearly. It’s denoted by recycling symbol 2.

Through post-consumer and industrial recycling collections, HDPE is either recycled back into food-grade products such as rHDPE (recycled HDPE) bottles and containers, or re-moulded into industrial pipes, lumber,

toys and floor tiles.



PET is also used in food and non-food categories. Due to its transparent nature, it is preferred where consumers want to clearly see their products. It’s denoted by the recycling symbol 1. PET plastics can be recycled over and over again. Similar to HDPE, PET plastics can be recycled back from consumers & industrial waste into food grade rPET (recycled PET) containers, (like our bottles), or molded into non-food grade containers such as luggage, carpets or clothing.


Unlike HDPE and PET, rPET is a plastic made entirely from recycled products. Choosing rPET means supporting the recycling industry, helping to create a market for recycled plastics and using plastic waste that would otherwise have ended up in a landfill or, worse, polluting the environment.


Our story began when the Dairy Farmers Milk Co-operative was formed on the 15th January 1900.

Sixty five stakeholders, many of them Dairy Farmers themselves from the New South Wales Illawarra region, came together and agreed to run the organisation on true co-operative lines.

Today at Dairy Farmers we’re proud to honour the generous spirit of our farming communities by continuing to bring high quality and nutritious dairy products

into the hearts and fridges

of all Australian homes.

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