The Bega Group is on a journey towards a Better Future for us all

A journey of ensuring we reduce our water usage, waste to landfill, and improve the recyclability of our packaging to help protect our natural environment.

As part of this journey, all our flavoured milk and iced coffee bottles under 1L will be “made from 100% recycled plastic”.

From March 2023 you will start to see our bottles change as we make that transition. We expect to roll this out nationally from 2023-2025.

By the end of 2025 our commitment is to maximise the recycled content included in our packaging.

This initiative takes us one step closer.  



HDPE is the most commonly used material in the industry across food and non-food categories. The high opacity of the material has driven the need for improvements in transparency, allowing consumers to see the product clearly. It’s denoted by recycling symbol 2. Through post-consumer and industrial recycling collections, HDPE is either recycled back into food-grade products such as rHDPE (recycled HDPE) bottles and containers, or re-moulded into industrial pipes, lumber, toys and floor tiles.


PET is also used in food and non-food categories. Due to its transparent nature, it is preferred where consumers want to clearly see their products. It’s denoted by the recycling symbol 1. PET plastics can be recycled over and over again. Similar to HDPE, PET plastics can be recycled back from consumers & industrial waste into food grade rPET (recycled PET) containers, (like our bottles), or molded into non-food grade containers such as luggage, carpets or clothing.


Unlike HDPE and PET, rPET is a plastic made entirely from recycled products. Choosing rPET means supporting the recycling industry, helping to create a market for recycled plastics and using plastic waste that would otherwise have ended up in a landfill or, worse, polluting the environment.

Dairy Farmers Classic

Big M


The full range…


Our Vision, Our Purpose, Our Values

Our Approach



Our priorities are aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals:




In 2021 we launched our Planet Pledge, setting targets for water reduction, waste reduction and packaging to sit alongside our climate commitments.

All the targets are underpinned by the principle of circularity which aims to minimise waste, circulate materials at their highest value and regenerate nature.


Achieved 92% waste diversion from landfill

That’s 7026 garbage trucks!

Salisbury has been a zero waste

to landfill site since 2021


Bega Group had a 6.9% reduction in energy consumption.

In FY2023 Bega Group’s absolute scope 1 and 2 greenhouse
gas emissions were 254,162 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent,
representing a reduction of 14.9% on our baseline year of FY2021
and towards our target of 40% by 2030.

That’s more than 14,100 flights from Perth to London.


Bega Group saved more than 300 megalitres of water – The equivalent of more than 120 Olympic swimming pools


From March 2023, Farmers Union single use tubs started to transition to 100% recyclable. This transition was completed in November 2023.

We also started to transition our Dairy Farmer single use yoghurt tubs.


Diversity & Inclusion

Our Diversity & Inclusion strategy is supported by three core pillars, focus areas we aim to create sustainable change:

Bega Group signed onto the Hesta 40:40 Vision, to commit to achieving gender balance in executive leadership.

We partner with Circle In, a Parents and Caregivers internet platform to give team members and their families on-demand support and resources they need to navigate their roles both within Bega and at home.


We removed 15 tonnes of salt from our spreads, including Bega Peanut Butter and our sale reduced Vegemite.

Coffee Beans

Coffee beans used in Dare are certified by the Rainforest Alliance


At Bega, Safety is our first priority, and we believe that all incidents and injuries can be prevented.

In September 2022 we launched:

  • Our commitment – Always Safe Together
  • Our 8 Safety Principles
  • Our 6 Life Saving Rules

Food Bank

We donated the equivalent on 1,649,700 meals to people in need through our partnership with Foodbank in 2023.

Ethical Sourcing

Bega’s Ethical Sourcing Policy is aligned with our commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

We invest heavily in ensuring that our suppliers and Bega comply with Ethical standards and conduct activities that uphold long terms business sustainability and growth.

Better farms

Supporting Sustainable and Regenerative Farming.

More than $2.5m in grants since 2018.

Modern Slavery

In 20233, Bega published their 3rd Modern Slavery Statement.

Our last statement was externally recognised as best-in-class standard by Monash University.

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